This day is not about special Memorial Day sales, rushing to the lake, boating, hiking, picnics. It is a day to remember: this day has been lost to the commercial market, the joy of a three day holiday with little or no time to reflect on what has gone before to allow us the freedom that we enjoy. The costs were high and will continue to be high for freedom is not free. It is not that we must stay at home, be sad, rather we need to take time to reflect, to narrate to our children what this day is truly about. It is about Freedom, won by the lives of men, women, and children. Their sacrifices make possible the life we do enjoy and it is sacrilege to not take time, not just a few minutes, but time, to speak to our families, to meditate upon what has gone before, to remember, it is after-all Memorial Day. If we aren't willing to do this then let us rename this day, to something more appropriate: say, "Spring three day holiday." Let us at least be truthful for our attitude towards this day shows our attitude about thousands of deaths, maiming, time from family, and friends, for we either don't care, or we are just too self-centered to care. Which is it?
Our country is no more or less than appointed by God than any other nation. There is one difference between us than most other nations, we were founded upon the principles from the Bible. Men and women, children, fled their nations to come to this country, for freedom. Freedom from political, religious, oppression, and established this nation by Christian principles. Then sealed the Constitution by their blood. Who can truly speak against the 10 commandments? How else did freedom come to this nation except by the Word of God as found in the Christian Bible, men and women, children defended with their very lives not for some socialistic, communistic ideology, but the principles that only can bring Freedom, those that founded this nation, God's Word, the Bible. Why then are there those who would say otherwise? It is because they do not live for anything except themselves, they have never given themselves to anything other than to themselves. The have a limited view of the world, their personal view, they really don't care about anyone else than themselves. They enjoy this freedom at the cost paid in blood, yet all they can do is belly-ache, and this nation has lost is preeminence that it once enjoyed. We were the standard, we stood for freedom and nobody but nobody would "mess" with us for we stood for principles, principles founded upon truth and that truth is found in only one book, the Bible. If we do not return to the founding principles we will lose our freedom. All the blood spilled to keep us free will have been for naught. All the pain and suffering to keep our nation and peoples safe, will have been for nothing. We must remind ourselves and speak it to our children about this nation, this freedom, and speak of those who paid the ultimate price so that we can enjoy days like this.
I Pledge Allegiance I promise to be faithful and true (Promise my loyalty)
to the flag to the emblem that stands for and represents
of the United States all 50 states, each of hem individual, and individually represented on the flag
of America yet formed into a UNION of one Nation
and to the Republic And I also pledge my loyalty to the Government that is itself a Republic, a
form of government where the PEOPLE are sovereign.
for which it stands this government also beign represented by the Flag to which I promise loyalty
one Nation under God, These 50 individual states are united as a single Repul=blic under the Divine
providence of god. "our most powerful resource" (according to the words of
President Eisenhower)
indivisible and cannot be separated
with liberty The people of this nation being afforded the freedom to pursue "life, Liberty, and happiness"
and Justice And each person entitled to be treated justly, fairly, and according to proper law and principle.
for All And these principles afforded to EVERY AMERICAN, regardless of race,
religion, color, creed, or any other criteria. Just as the flag represents 50
individual states that can not be divided or separated, this Nation represents
millions of people who can not be separated or divided.
Daily Prayer:
Father, thank you for the blessing you have afforded this nation. We have gone astray from the founding principles built upon your Word, lead us back, raise up leaders that trust in You. May we remember those who have given so much for freedom's sake. May we remember that it is by Your Grace that we have what we have. May I never forget! Amen
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