As Christians we are warned over and over again to be on watch for heresy, false teaching. Sometimes it is hard to know if what is being taught is really the Word of God or is it just someone's personal beliefs. I recently heard a pastor of a very large church make a statement that seemed to cut across the grain of my understanding of Jesus. His statement was that Jesus became a sinner, and needed a rebirth as we also do. His proof text was the above Scripture. When a person does not take into account the whole counsel of God and do some in-depth study will more often than not allow their presuppositions to be proven, even if in err. Let's do a bit of in-depth study of the above Scripture and in-light of other Scriptures.
Chapter five of 2 Corinthians in context is about our being reconciled to God through the death of His Son Jesus who reconciled us (vs. 18) and we are now "new creature (s)' (vs 17). God was in Christ, reconciling the world unto himself (vs 19) and not imputing their (our) sins unto us. to whom then, did God, impute our sins? To impute is to ascribe or attribute to another (thing or person). Verse 21 answers that question: For he (God) hath made (the Greek word is denotes a rendering, a rendering is a payment for something, to be made is not originating in nature), therefore Jesus was without sin and He took on our sins as a perfect sinless man and made payment for us, therefore we who have accepted Him as Savior are debt free. This is the message of reconciliation we bring to the world. That Jesus did not become a sinner is given further understanding in Hebrews 9:28: "So Christ was once offered to bear (To take the punishment, to take upon one's self that which another could not carry and to place it upon the alter, that is what the Greek word means) the sins of many: and unto them that look for him shall he appear the second time without sin unto salvation" (Hebrews 9:29: KJV).
Jesus carried our sins and placed them upon the altar as final payment, once for all time, no longer the need for yearly sacrifices in a man made temple. He never was sin, and never knew sin, yet He bore, carried our sin debt, paid in full at the cross. This is truly Good News for Jesus is truly our Savior. Place your faith in Him for the Bible does teach that He was sinless and is the Savior for all who will accept His sacrifice as payment for their sins. Be on watch for the Bible teaches that false teachers will come in the last days.
Daily Prayer:
Father I thank You for all the You have done for me, this world, by sending Your Only Begotten Son to come and die to bring life to this world. Lord help me, guide me to bring this Good News to my world. Show me where false teaching is occurring so that I may be found blameless before You and bring not into my world false teaching. My trust is in Your Word and Your Word alone. Amen
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