Wow! Jesus speaks hard sayings to understand at times. This is a hard saying, for this is Jesus' conditions of discipleship. In writing this blog today I spent much time in research for like you I find this passage disturbing. Can I meet the requirement of discipleship? In our "me only" culture this passage strikes in the face of such culture. I am supposed to love myself, make myself happy, get ahead in this world. Do what it takes to achieve at any cost. Wait a minute! At any cost I am supposed to drive myself to achieve? Isn't that what Jesus said to the crowds and to us? Looking at many websites about success I found a common thread, it is all about "you" and goal setting, and doing things for yourself, and it is not all bad advice; but Jesus said something different, "...Hate....his own life..(or) he cannot be my disciple." I guess Jesus would not fit in with the guru's of today's how to be successful pundits.
This Greek word (μισεῖ ) which is translated "hate" has a broader meaning, it is to love less, or an unjustifiable feelings toward another. Therefore, Jesus is saying that we must love others less than Him, for the only justifiable feeling is love towards Him for He has counted the cost to be our Savior and the payment for our debt that we cannot pay. The only disciples He will use in His building of the Kingdom are those who love Him personally, passionately, and devotedly beyond any of the closest ties on earth. This saying, those conditions of discipleship are stern, but they are glorious.
Oswald Chambers in his "My Utmost for His Highest" says it well:
"All that we build is going to be inspected by God. Is God going to detect in His searching fire that we have built on the foundation of Jesus some enterprise of our own? These are days of tremendous enterprises, days when we are trying to work for God, and therein is the snare. Profoundly speaking, we can never work for God. Jesus takes us over for His enterprises, His building schemes entirely, and no soul has any right to claim where he shall be put."
As I consider my faith, the change does indeed need to come from the inside and be shown on the outside. Where do my loyalties lie? What am I putting ahead of my Savior? What do I need to lay aside? God wants us to live life and to the full, but not without Him. We are to remove the idolatry of self, and build for eternity, not just for ourselves but for all those we love, care for, and for those in our realm of influence for their eternity is at stake as to where they will spend eternity. Go enjoy life, go and live life, take Jesus with you.
Daily Prayer:
Father God, Jehovah, I call upon Your name and the name of my Savior, Jesus. I need Your help Holy Spirit to be able to become the disciple that meets Your requirements. Forgive me for putting myself ahead of You. Today as I go about life, may I show my world, You. May they never have to ask whether or not I am a Christian but see You and know that I am Yours. Thank You Jesus for you counted the cost and found the building project, me, worthy to undertake. It was Your great love that You were willing to pay the cost. Amen
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