Monday, May 3, 2010

Making The Interest of God Our Interest

"Do nothing from selfishness or empty conceit, but with humility of mind let each of you regard one another as more important than himself, do not merely look out for your own personal interests, but also for the interests of others" (Philippians 2:3-4; NASB).

While taking time for coffee and some Bible reading on the patio the early morning I cannot becoming humble for all God has done.  His beauty displayed openly for all to see if one would just stop and look.  I see snow-capped mountains encircling the valley, with the peaks of ancient volcanoes reaching into the sky toward the heavens.  The bright spring sun placing warmth on my somewhat chilled body.  The birds are flitting from branch to branch and singing songs of joy to one another as one lover would call to another.  A butterfly flits by looking for a flower upon which to land.  Multi-colored wings silently moving through the air.  In the distance I can here the bustle of a city awakening to meet the day.  All this God has given to me with the ability to enjoy as no other creature other than man can do, all this for us.  God has our interest in mind.  All men can enjoy whether they believe in the creator or not, it is there for them to look upon with wonder.  It is the handiwork of a creator that had us in mind our interests.  It is His Love displayed in nature.

Too often this handi-work of God is missed by those who are scrambling to "get ahead" in some manner, financially, a bigger house, a newer boat, better furniture, all the trappings of this world.  They miss out on what God has for them, His interest towards them.  Society seems to be saying, "Look out for number one," wealth is status, and when it is achieved, one all too often becomes conceited as though they hold the keys and "don't you just wish you had my abilities" is their attitude. Wealth is not wrong, having things is not wrong, it is the attitude that counts.  God has given us the ability to make wealth, and the ability to enjoy things; yet, what God has on display that is available whether you are rich or poor, is the beauty displayed freely for all.

Whose interest do we have in mind?  Are we keeping the joy of what God has provided for ourselves?  Are we willing to share with others?  Do we have the interests of others in mind?  Paul in writing to the Philippians gives this advice; "Conduct yourselves in a manner worthy of the gospel of Christ..." (vs. 27).  Find someone that needs a friend, who needs someone to spend time with them and go enjoy the beauty of all that God has provided.  Maybe it is just taking them to lunch, or possibly a picnic by the river, lake, or the park.  Our Churches have many lonely people hungry for friendship.  Take the example from our Lord and Savior: "Who, being in very nature God, did not consider equality with God something to be grasped, but made himself nothing taking the very nature of a servant....." (Philippians 2:6-7a).

God has our very interest in mind; therefore, we who carry the name Christian, being in likeness of Christ, should also have the interest of others in mind.  We make God's interest, bringing love to others, our interest.  Do it and you will find the joy that is immeasurable. 

Daily Prayer:

Father You have displayed Your love to all through the beauty of this world and most important by Jesus who being very God came as a servant, not keeping His own interest but the interest of others foremost.  Lead me to those who need friendship, allow me Lord to bring into their lives the Love You so willingly gave.  I will share what You have given to me with others even if all that I have is time for it is time they need with others, and when I know their other needs lead me to show them where help is and to help them in every way I can.  May I always put the interest  of others in the forefront.    Thank You for doing that for me!           Amen

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